A good conscience fears no witness, but a guilty conscience is solicitous even in solitude. If we do nothing but what is honest, let all the world know it. But if otherwise, what does it signify to have nobody else know it, so long as I know it myself? Miserable is he who slights that witness. Seneca Roman dramatist, philosopher, & politician (5 BC - 65 AD) It is far more important to me to preserve an unblemished conscience than to compass any object however great. William E. Channing A good conscience is to the soul what health is to the body; it preserves constant ease and serenity within us; and more than countervails all the calamities and afflictions which can befall us from without. Joseph Addison English essayist, poet, & politician (1672 - 1719) The idea that men are created free and equal is both true and misleading: men are created different; they lose their social freedom and their individual autonomy in seeking to become like each other. David Riesman Nonconformists travel as a rule in bunches. You rarely find a nonconformist who goes it alone. And woe to him inside a nonconformist clique who does not conform with nonconformity Eric Hoffer (1902 - 1983) This duality has been reflected in classical as well as modern literature as reason versus passion, or mind and the "unconscious." There are moments in each of our lives when our verbal-intellect suggests one course, and our "heart" or intuition, another. Robert Glory is fleeting, but obscurity is forever. Napoleon Bonaparte French general & politician (1769 - 1821) Reason and emotion are not antagonists. What seems like a struggle is a struggle between two opposing ideas or values, one of which, automatic and unconscious, manifests itself in the form of a feeling. Nathaniel Brandon If you are prepared, then you are able to feel confident. Robert J. Ringer Confidence is a plant of slow growth; especially in an aged bosom. Johnson |