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Female tenant for common room

Long term Short term and visitors are allowed, 24hr wifi free, aircon room, bus stand is near the...

1 Male roomate for Condo Common Room

10 min walks to Kovan MRT - $380 + PUB - 2 person share - Near to supermarkets, restaurants,...

Female tenant for common room

Short term and visitor allowed, 24hr wifi free, aircon room, bus stand is near the house 15min...

HDB room for rent at Hougang Ave 3

Looking for a Male room-mate Very near to bus stop / kovan mrt Cooking allowed Air con is...

Looking for lady roommate

Common Room for Rent -3 Bus stop to Bishan MRT -2 Bus stop to Braddell MRT -4 Bus stop...

Short-Term 1 Male roomate for Condo Common Room

10 min walks to Kovan MRT - $380 + PUB - 2 person share - Near to supermarkets, restaurants,...

Female tenant for common room

10 min from kovan Mrt by bus, wifi free, Aircom can use night time, Visitor or short term...

Looking for a lady roommate at Hougang ave 3, near to Defu lane.

A spaceous common room to be shared by two professional ladies. Newly installed aircon and fully...

Looking for a lady roommate at Hougang ave 3, near to Defu lane.

A spaceous common room to be shared by two professional ladies. Newly installed aircon and fully...

Whole Unit - to Rent Near Kovan MRT

- one master bedroom and one common room

Looking for a lady roommate at Hougang ave 3, near to Defu lane.

A spaceous common room to be shared by two professional ladies. Newly installed aircon and fully...

Short-Term 1 Male roomate for Condo Common Room

10 min walks to Kovan MRT - $380 + PUB - 2 person share - Near to supermarkets, restaurants,...

Short-Term/ Long- Term 1 Male roomate for Condo Common Room

10 min walks to Kovan MRT - $380 + PUB - 2 person share - Near to supermarkets, restaurants,...

Short-Term/ Long- Term 1 Male roomate for Condo Common Room

10 min walks to Kovan MRT - $380 + PUB - 2 person share - Near to supermarkets, restaurants,...

Common room for @kovan / $800

-Looking for one couple or 2 males or 2 females to rent @ common bedroom - aircon can use from...

Common room for @kovan / $800

-Looking for one couple or 2 males or 2 females to rent @ common bedroom - aircon can use from...

Common room for @kovan / $800

-Looking for one couple or 2 males or 2 females to rent @ common bedroom - aircon can use from...

Common room for @kovan / $800

-Looking for one couple or 2 males or 2 females to rent @ common bedroom - aircon can use from...

Male one roommate @ common room ($ 400 / all included) kovan mrt

-Looking for male one roommate @ common room (only two persons in one room) -shot term also...

Male one roommate @ common room ($ 400 / all included) kovan mrt

-Looking for male one roommate @ common room (only two persons in one room) -shot term also...
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