Looking for a lady roomate
Ad ID: R-10303325
Posted on 5 Jan 2021 7:32 pm
Viewed 140 times
Nearest MRT/LRT: | Bedok North |
MRT/LRT Line: | Downtown Line (Blue) |
Price: | 400 |
For gender: | Female only |
Cooking allowed: | Yes |
Available from: | 1st March 2021 |
Contact no.: | |
Email: | Email not shown by user |
Location map: | View Map |
Description: | Near to Bedok MRT (GREEN LINE) and     Bedok North MRT(BLUE LINE)
* Fully furnished.
* Can cook. Need to be clean aftet cook and hygiene.
* Air-con night time only. If wanted to use air- con day time as well, can discuss.
*Â Free Wifi
*Â PUB share
* One month deposit and one m, onth notice.
*3 coffee shops &1 food court, wet market and 24 hours Sheng Siong Supermarket is 5 minute walking distance from the flat.
*Available buses, 225G,225W
,17,45,87,60 & 137
မá€á€”်းကလေး​á€á€…်ယောက်အá€á€½á€€á€º Common room မှာ share နေဖá€á€¯á€· နေရာရှá€á€•á€«á€á€šá€ºáŠáŠ
# flat က​ HDB​ flat,​ အá€á€•á€ºá€á€”်းá‚á€á€”်းပါá€á€šá€ºáŠáŠ
# အá€á€™á€ºá€™á€¾á€¬â€‹ အá€á€¯â€‹ မá€á€”်းကလေးႠယောက်​ရှá€á€á€šá€ºáŠáŠâ€‹ flat 1á€á€¯á€œá€¯á€¶á€¸á€™á€¾á€¬ Total რယောက်ပဲနေမှာáŠáŠ
# Common room မှာရှá€á€”ေá€á€²á€·á€™á€á€”်းကလေးနဲ့ Share​ နေဖá€á€¯á€·â€‹ မá€á€”်းကလေး​ áယောက်​ရှာနေပါá€á€šá€ºáŠáŠ
# အá€á€”်း​ဖá€á€¯á€¸â€‹ áလ,áယောက် ကá€á€¯â€‹ SGD​400áŠáŠ
# Internet ဖá€á€¯á€¸â€‹á€•á€±á€¸á€›á€”်မလá€á€¯á€•á€«áŠáŠÂ  free home WiFi ပါáŠáŠ
# ရေ,​မီး​မီá€á€¬á€ á€á€±á€¬á€·â€‹ share ပေးရပါမယ်áŠáŠ
# Air con ညဖက်သုံးနá€á€¯á€„်ပါá€á€šá€ºáŠáŠ
# fully furnished ပါáŠáŠ
# အá€á€™á€ºá€™á€¾á€¬â€‹á€á€»á€€á€ºá€…ားနá€á€„်ပါá€á€šá€ºáŠáŠ
# စားသောက်စရာ ဆá€á€¯á€„်များ​አGiant Supermarket နင့် 24 hours Sheng Siong Super​market လည်းအá€á€™á€ºá€•á€á€ºá€á€”်းကျင်မှာရှá€á€•á€«á€á€šá€ºáŠáŠ
#  exercise လုပ်လá€á€¯á€›á€„်လည်း​အá€á€™á€ºâ€‹á€€á€”ေ​ ákm အနီးမှာ  Bedok Town Park, Bedok public gym and swimming pool လည်း ရှá€á€•á€«á€á€šá€ºáŠáŠ
# Bedok​MRT မှ​ 2 Bus stops away, Bedok​ North MRT မှ​ 1  bus stop away မှာ ဖြစ်ပြီး​ အá€á€™á€ºá€›á€¾á€±á€·á€œá€™á€ºá€¸á€€á€°á€¸á€™á€¾á€¬Â Taxi​Stand​ လည်းရှá€á€•á€«á€á€šá€ºáŠáŠ
# စုံစမ်းလá€á€¯á€•á€«á€€ 82234874 ကá€á€¯ phone á€á€±á€«á€ºá€”á€á€¯á€„်ပါá€á€šá€ºáŠáŠâ€‹ *Available buses, 225G,225W,17,45,87,60 & 137 |
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