Ad ID: R-10443215
Posted on 5 Mar 2022 5:29 pm
Viewed 381 times
Nearest MRT/LRT: | Tanjong Pagar ![Search by MRT Station - Tanjong Pagar Search by MRT Station - Tanjong Pagar](pictures/icon_search_01.png) |
MRT/LRT Line: | East West Line (Green) ![Search by MRT Line - East West Line (Green) Search by MRT Line - East West Line (Green)](pictures/icon_search_01.png) |
Price: | 000 |
For gender: | Both Male and/or Female |
Cooking allowed: | Yes |
Available from: | 00 |
Contact no.: | ![](create_img_view2.php?str=MDAw) |
Email: | Email not shown by user |
Location map: | Not shown |
Description: | Socttish Gareth Mcllroy why are you cunning and did to me bad things. You are the one did me wherever I moved create problem and misunderstand housemate ,roomate.When I find house also, you block it and created someone occupy room.If a person has a beast mind, he is more worse than a real beast.Hes really shit beast,substandard.
If you still do it ,I will sue it to you.
မင်းက ဘာကြောင့် ကောက်ကျစ်ပြီး ငါ့အပေါ် မကောင်းမှုá€á€½á€± လုပ်á€á€¬á€œá€²á‹ မင်းက ငါဘယ်သွားသွား ပြသနာဖန်á€á€®á€¸á€•á€¼á€®á€¸ အá€á€™á€ºá€–ော်ကá€á€¯ အထင်လွဲအောင် လုပ်á€á€²á€·á€á€šá€ºáŠ အá€á€”်းဖော်ዠအá€á€™á€ºá€€á€á€¯á€œá€Šá€ºá€¸ ငါရှာá€á€½á€±á€·á€á€²á€·á€¡á€á€« မင်းဟာက ပá€á€á€ºá€†á€á€¯á€·á€•á€¼á€®á€¸ á€á€…်စုံá€á€…်ယောက်ရဲ့ အá€á€”်းကá€á€¯ ဖန်á€á€®á€¸á€á€šá€ºá‹ လူá€á€…်ယောက်မှာ သားရဲစá€á€á€ºá€›á€¾á€á€á€šá€ºá€†á€á€¯á€›á€„် သူက á€á€€á€šá€·á€ºá€žá€¬á€¸á€›á€²á€‘က် ပá€á€¯á€†á€á€¯á€¸á€á€šá€ºá‹ á€á€€á€šá€ºá€€á€á€¯ မá€á€¯á€€á€ºá€™á€²á€á€²á€· á€á€á€›á€…္ဆာန်አအဆင့်အá€á€”်းနá€á€™á€·á€ºá€á€šá€ºá‹ |
Photos: |